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Subject: Re: Par Question...
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Date: Mon, 14 Aug 95 20:26:14 PDT
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Adrian Onsen writes:
>Here's a problem to which I'm sure there is some sort of solution...
> First of all, here's the problem:
> I have started rendering an animation from lightwave, and I
>forgot to set the PAR software fo ANIM mode, and it was on stills... Now
>I have all the still from the animation, but I can't seem to put them
>together into an animation to be played by the par....
> My questions is : How do I join a whole bunch of stills into an
> Adrian Onsen
> aonsen@sentex.net
Hi Adrian:
This is simpler than it looks. Simply use OPUS or SID to copy all
your stills , in PAR format, to your harddrive. Fortunately, they
are a lot smaller in PAR format than as RGB.
Then, simply re-IMPORT them with the ANIM button engaged.
In the stone ages, I had an AREXX macro to do the same thing, but
that was before some of the slicker PAR features were implemented.